Kuala Lumpur 3 Days Direct Composite Restorations Course

A 3 days intensive program designed to offer you practical training and feasible solutions for your daily practice.

Download the course schedule*

23 – 25 June 2023
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Lectures and Hands-on Course
Taught by StyleItaliano Founder and Honorary Member
Official StyleItaliano Attendance Certificate
Lunch Included


Aesthetics dentistry is a topic which is currently commonly presented in many congresses, articles and dental schools. Every dentist wishes to be confident in this area, but it can be a challenge to master, especially with new techniques being quite complicated. Some dentists are even skeptical about the term “simple” aesthetic dentistry as they go through processes that do not always achieve optimal aesthetic results. However, StyleItaliano demonstrates that this doesn’t have to be the case. With this course, you will learn how to obtain excellent results using “all time” concepts and the most contemporary, simplified techniques.


The main goal of this course is to teach the practitioner practical, simple techniques that can be applied immediately after the course in their everyday practice to boost the quality of their work (especially in the areas of function and aesthetics).

  • Become an expert in colour matching
  • Master stratification of composite resins
  • Master surface texture and morphology
  • Learn how to make adhesive dentistry last
Speakers of Kuala Lumpur Course

Jordi Manauta

Born in Mexico City, Jordi Manauta graduated with a degree in dentistry from the Technological University of Mexico (UNITEC) with major grants. He continued his postgraduate studies in operative and aesthetic dentistry, earning a master’s degree from the International University of Catalonia (UIC) in Barcelona, Spain. Disciple of Miguel Tames (Mexico City) and Walter Devoto (Italy), he has developed and currently is developing various materials and instruments for aesthetic dentistry, dental colorimetry and photography in collaboration with international companies. He was named Honorary Professor of the University of Buenos Aires in 2022, he is scientific consultant for two European journals. Dr. Manauta is member of Styleitaliano study group since 2008. He is author of the book Layers (Quintessence 2012) and Layers2 (Quintessence 2022) and is author and coauthor of many publications in international journals, Dr Manauta is frequently invited as a lecturer in aesthetic and operative dentistry.

Angelo Putignano

M.D. degree and D.D.S. post graduate certificate from University of Ancona-Italy, Full professor in Restorative Dentistry at School of Dentistry Polytecnique University of Marche-Ancona-Italy, Head of Operative dentistry and Endodontics department at School of Dentistry Polytecnique University of Marche-Ancona-Italy, Dean School of Dental Hygienist Polytecnique University of Marche-Ancona-Italy, Active Member Italian Society of Operative Dentistry (SIDOC), Founding Member Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED), Active Member European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) , Private practice limited to Restorative Dentistry in Ancona, Italy. He is co- author of the book “Adhesive Dentistry: the Key to success” edited by Quintessence International Co-Author of “Indirect Conservative Restoration of Posterior teeth”(UTET 2008), Author of Layers 2 edited by Quintessence 2022. Prof. Putignano is lecturing internationally on adhesive & aesthetic restorations.

Course Schedule






Color, the ultimate match and the
Styleitaliano recipes

The perfect silicon index and
color matching

Direct Class III


Coffee break

Coffee break

Coffee break


Direct class IV, with and without

Building a class IV from

Direct class III


Lunch break

Lunch break

Lunch break


An update in modern bonding,
from research to clinical

Composite veneers
Veneer construction

Diastema and shape modification


Coffee break

Coffee break

Coffee break


Posterior teeth, direct and indirect:
35 years of tips and tricks

Espresso Anterior
Morphology & Shape

Closing a perfect diastema
without wax-up


Hands-on Program


Farewells, diplomas
program closure

Day 1

Color, the ultimate match and the Styleitaliano recipes:

  • Basic concepts of colour for beginners and experts
  • Colour theory
  • Commercial shades - advantages and disadvantages
  • Industrial shade guides, product oriented
  • Personalised shade guides, types and use
  • The future is now
  • Digital recipes and abandoning the analogue
  • Stratification technique selection according to the colour obtained
  • Is material selection important?

An update in modern bonding, from research to clinical application

  • Understanding bonding
  • Frequent mistakes in bonding
  • Choosing the best adhesive system
  • Which generation is right for me?
  • Can I simplify?
  • Optimizing bonding in all substrates
  • How to make adhesion last longer

Anterior Directs Class IV

  • Obtaining the perfect palatal index
  • Cavity preparation
  • Adhesive steps
  • Matrix and wedging management
  • Thickness control during stratification
  • Enamel placement tips and tricks
  • Morphology, luster and polishing
  • Handling fractured teeth
  • Maintenance and long-term control

Posterior teeth, direct and indirect : 35 years of tips and tricks

  • Repeatable, easy and a very refined stratification technique
  • Composite contraction
  • Trust your modeling
  • Rational use of stains
  • Matrices management
  • Super contact achievement
  • Stratification
  • Modeling for the future materials
  • Understanding anatomy from another point of view
  • Colour selection
  • Essence of the anatomical features
  • Instruments for perfect morphology
  • When to do an indirect restoration
  • How to protect a tooth

Day 2

The perfect silicon index and color matching

  • Hands-on on how to obtain the perfect silicone index for anterior stratification
  • Obtain the perfect palatal index
  • Stratification area determination
  • Colour estimation
  • Realistic try-in
  • Cavity prep and conditioning

Veneer construction

  • Theory and Hands-on about composite veneers
  • Color determination in veneers
  • Construction sequence
  • Danger areas
  • Indications
  • Restoration design
  • Mass disposition
  • Finishing, polishing and longevity

Building a class IV from nothing

  • Hands-on on aesthetic class IV construction
  • Proximal wall with an anatomical matrix
  • Finger index technique
  • Other index-free methods
  • Dentinal body thickness calibration
  • Enamel Placement

Espresso Anterior: Morphology & Shape

  • Theory and Hands-on about finishing and polishing
  • Contour
  • Primary anatomy
  • Secondary anatomy
  • Tertiary anatomy
  • Smoothing phase
  • Gloss phase

Day 3

Everything about Anterior Directs Class III and V

  • Theory and hands-on
  • From the simple to the complex
  • 3rd classes, colour and technique
  • Margin selection
  • How to obtain a tight contact everytime
  • Intra cavity fix
  • Natural contour in proximal anteriors
  • Deep margin in class III
  • Concepts applied in a clinical challenge

Diastema and Shape modifications

  • Theory and Hands-on on how to restore naturally diastemata
  • The Diastema challenge
  • Historical techniques for closing diastemas
  • The front wing technique
  • Other applications of the front wing
  • Shape modifications
  • Diastema Restoration
  • Front wing construction
  • Proximal walls optimization before matrix
  • Proximal walls with an anatomical matrix
  • Backfilling
  • Proximal finishing and polishing

Materials You Will Have Access to During the Hands-On Sessions of the Course:

  • Brilliant Everglow BL
  • Brilliant Everglow A1B1
  • Brilliant Everglow OA2
  • One Coat 7
  • Putty Silicone Medium Speed Setting
  • Shapeguard Pink
  • Sof-lex Disc Medium Coarse, Big
  • Finishing Strips Small
  • Vaseline
  • Motors
  • Lamps
  • Matrices
  • Prepared Plastic Teeth
  • Polishing Paste
  • Box with Instrument Selection and Burs


Registration Form

StyleItaliano Live In-Person Courses
Kuala Lumpur