Sleep Dentistry

Integrative Airway Summit

by IAS2022 Conference Secretariat c/o Medical Conference Partners
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In the last two decades, there has been an explosion of data in the management of sleep related breathing disorders and this includes advances in both medical and surgical treatment. However, in recent years emphasis has been moving towards an integrated approach especially with the involvement of the dental fraternity with its ever expanding role in managing sleep disorders in both children and adults. Though will all these advances we are yet to get good if not sustainable results with a high proportion of relapses in these cases.

With the help of passionate health care professionals in this field, we have taken on the monumental task in trying to explain the “why” before going on to the “how” in the management of these conditions. The program is focussed on physiology, understanding concepts beyond the boundaries of conventional medicine and looking at connecting the dots so as we can bring about a holistic approach in treatment. The emphasis will be on nasal breathing, tongue space and posture and how it all relates to many health conditions.

This conference meeting is not just for Dentists and ENT Surgeons but will benefit all health care professionals and allied health professionals who see a myriad of health conditions which can be related to a breathing dysfunction.